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  • Writer's pictureRandi Micklewright

What is Forest Bathing?

Updated: May 8, 2023

Forest bathing is a wellness practice that originated in Japan in the 1980s. Also known as Shinrin-yoku (which translated to English literally means ‘bathing in the forest’), the practice involves spending intentional and mindful time in a forest or other natural environment. The practice is rooted in the belief that spending time in nature can have a positive impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Unlike hiking or other outdoor activities, forest bathing is not about physical exercise or achieving a specific goal. Rather, it is about simply being present in nature and allowing oneself to be fully immersed in the experience. The focus is on the sensory experience of the forest, rather than any particular activity.

Why Should I Try Forest Bathing?

If you're looking for a way to improve your overall well-being, forest bathing may be worth considering. Here are some of the potential benefits of this practice:

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Spending time in nature has been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system. Forest bathing can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting feelings of relaxation and calm. Research shows, for example, that cortisol levels drop significantly after spending time in nature.

Improved Mood

Many people report feeling uplifted and more positive after spending time in nature. Forest bathing has been shown to boost mood and improve overall emotional well-being. Some research has shown that spending time in nature increases our serotonin levels (a happy chemical in our brains).

Increased Immune Function

Research has found that spending time in nature can boost immune function. Specifically, exposure to certain chemicals released by trees, known as phytoncides, has been shown to increase the production of natural killer cells, which are key players in the immune response.

Better Sleep

Spending time in nature can help to regulate the body's circadian rhythm, or natural sleep-wake cycle. This can lead to better quality sleep and improved overall sleep health.

Improved Focus and Creativity

Studies have found that spending time in nature can improve cognitive function, including focus and creativity. This may be due to the calming effect that nature has on the brain, as well as the opportunity to disconnect from technology and other distractions.

Connection to Nature

Finally, forest bathing can help to foster a deeper connection to the natural world. In a world that is increasingly dominated by technology and urbanization, spending time in nature can help us to remember our place in the larger ecosystem and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the world around us.

Overall, forest bathing is a simple and accessible practice that can have wide-ranging benefits for our physical, mental, and emotional health. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve sleep, or simply reconnect with nature, it's worth giving it a try.

If you would like to learn more about Forest Bathing or even give it a try, please reach out. I am a Forest Therapy Guide in Oshawa, Ontario and would love to support you on your nature-connection journey.

"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul" - John Muir

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